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Finding your Style

Cleaning out your closet begins to help you find your “style”. Do you have one? Not sure? Let’s look at a few things. “You can wear what works for you and look good 100% of the time, or you can constantly be experimenting and look good 20% of the time.” Get yourself all glammed up. Do your hair, makeup, and put on the outfit that you feel the most beautiful in. Now, take a look at yourself. What about that outfit makes you feel beautiful? Is it the color? Fit? If you are struggling to find it, try changing up a few things. Change your shirt, change the color? You’ll end up going back to your outfit and will be able to narrow down what about that “go to outfit” makes you feel beautiful. This outfit will help to determine your guideline. So, let’s take stock of your closet. What is your “go to” silhouette? What colors are you wearing? What is your tolerance for (dis)comfort? Use this info to create a guideline for your closet. Use this guide for deciding what you choose to keep or discard from your closet. Yes, we all have those items that we feel attached to, but do they fall in the guidelines for things that make you feel beautiful? If you are struggling to discard those pieces, remember, just box them up and put them in storage, but remove them from your closet. If you actually go to that box and pull them out and wear them in the next 3 months, then you feel beautiful in them because you went looking for them. It's ok to have an empty closet, “stuff” doesn’t define you, but clutter can overwhelm you. Have you ever realized that the average person really only wears 20% of what is in their closet? Start fresh and build on that 20%.

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