Adapting our "go to" outfits for the weather.
Ok, so ultimately this is my favorite go to outfit. However, leaving the house this morning with bare ankles and mittens were the ingredients for razzing from the peanut gallery following me out the door. My workplace allows me the benefit of pretty much wearing what I want to work, hence, bare ankles and mittens. "But the shoes are SO cute", so, time to cover the ankles. Having the understanding of being practical when it is cold and snowy outside, does not mean that we can't still be stylish. I have a big old pair of warm Sorrell's for ice fishing and bonfires, so it was time to do some ankle boot shopping. We are so blessed in Camrose to have such amazing stores to choose from, and really, any price point can be found. I checked out a number of stores, and settled on a super cute little pair of Tom's that are versatile in that I can wear them up, roll them down, they are casual yet dressy. Be sure that when you shop you don't settle on the first thing you try on just because, and if it's an investment piece, come back and try them on with a few different outfits so that you KNOW you are going to wear them again. Remember, why buy something that you are not going to LOVE and wear. It's ok to be beautiful every time you walk out the door.