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Closet Purge

CLOSET's time. How many of you collect things? You thought it was interesting, it was on sale, you might wear it someday. Every morning how many of you stand in front of your closet, which is jam packed, and cry because you have nothing to wear. It's time to clean out the clutter. Think about those "had to buy" sandals you purchased at the start of summer. How many pairs did you already have at home in your shoe pile? How many different ones did you wear. If you were to look at the tan lines on your feet............I could tell you which pair you wore. So why do we feel the need to have so much STUFF? Things you don't wear, things you don't Like? If you don't LOVE it, why is it in your closet? My guess is you are continuing to buy stuff to feel good about yourself. Let's buy the RIGHT stuff, and learn to love how we look. Here's a few tips/thoughts to get you started..........for now. ONE: Take everything out of your closet and dressers. EVERYTHING

TWO: Go through every piece and ask these questions Is it in good condition? Have I worn it in the last 12 months? Does it fit well? And MOST important...DO I LOVE IT?

THREE: Now, here are your options.....Trash, Donate, Sell, Undecided, and only if you LOVE IT, put it back in your closet. Undecided, this means if you are undecided, put items in a box and put into storage, anything you haven't pulled out to wear in three months (keeping seasons in mind) donate it!!

FOUR: Repeat, each time your pile you really LOVE should get smaller.

Now the fun part, REPLACE. Only buy things that you LOVE, not like. Buy things that fit with existing pieces you have in your closet, pieces that make you feel fabulous, pieces that are versatile. And when shopping, as you try stuff on, build an outfit using like items at home, and decide if you actually love it or just like it.

One last note for today.......for heavens sake, quit hanging on to those clothes that you will "someday" fit into. Honestly, if you do not feel good about yourself today, you are not going to do anything to fit into those clothes anyway. Happy Closet Cleaning!!

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